For full item description

Footed bowl VANITY PLANTER 24 k gold decorated black inside

Item Description

Beautiful footed bowl black inside, 24 k gold on the outside. Very good condition. It measures 6 inches long x 5 inches wide x 4 inches tall. [DEVONBSKT]

Some color and gold fading and light surface scratches commensurate with age.

SHIPPING PLEASE READ: We pack our items very carefuly but if the item gets damaged on its way, the buyer should send the broken item back with all pieces and pay shipping cost for a full refund. If there are missing pieces we are not issuing a full refund. Buyer is responsible for the returned items while in transit. Items have to arrive to New York in the same condition as they departed. NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING- EUROPE/JAPAN/AUSTRALIA/ASIA/SOUTH AFRICA/RUSSIA -unless items are insured at buyer's expense and if items get broken buyer must claim insurance in his/her own country, no exceptions. Returned items for other reasons have to arrive to New York in the same condition as they departed.

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On May-26-13 at 08:15:34 PDT, seller added the following information:

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We're proud of the 6,000 + exquisite items we offer you for your consideration. Every item is carefully selected, researched before uploading it and safely packaged when sent to you, using the latest technology to ensure safe shipment and arrival. Enjoy your visit! 


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We take great care packaging every item to ensure safe shipment to you. We charge shipping according to calculated table inserted in.  Once your order has been processed and we have received cleared payment, your item will be deposited at the shipper's location NEXT DAY (unless it is a holiday or weekend) An email to you will confirm the date of shipping. If item gets broken, we encourage you to send us an email 


We make our earnest effort in describing the items. If still there is a difference or you have a question, we encourage you to contact us . We pride ourselves on our customer service. In the rare event that you have a problem with your item please contact us and we'll be happy to help.


Genuinely faulty goods or goods broken in transit can be returned and the money will be refunded, however we request an explanation and pictures. Notify us immediately It is the customers responsibility to pay for and ship the item back to us for a full refund of the money paid. If the item is found to be faulty, we will also refund the postage cost. 
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