Osage Orange Germination:

"Osage Orange seeds have an appx. germination rate of 50%, so plant more than needed"

1) First soak seeds for 24hrs in warm water. 

2) To cold stratify, Use a 50/50% mixture of "moist" perlite and vermiculite placed inside of a zip lock bag. Leave 1 inch open for circulation and place inside the fridge for 30 days. Periodically be sure they stay moist, but not overly wet. Misting with a spray bottle works best.

3) Plant seeds no more than 1/8" inch deep in well draining moist compost.

4) Use a heated propagator mat to keep the soil at 70-75 degrees F. Do not let them get warmer than 75 degrees as this can inhibit germination. Turn off heating mat at night to create alternating temperatures letting it cool off to around 65-68 degrees at night. This mimics their natural conditions and will improve germination.

5) Keep out of direct sunlight, and expect germination within 2-3 weeks.