Mulberries are self-fertile and easy to grow. Not only is the fruit delicious, but the leaves are also edible and tasty too. Cook the greens as a nice side at dinner or boil them to make tea. The Dwarf Everbearing Mulberry is an abundant producer that performs extremely well both when grown in a container or in the ground. If kept warm, the tree will produce over a long season. Scientific name: Morus nigra

• Average mature height: 2-6 feet
• Fertilizer: Unnecessary, but mulberries may benefit from a once a year application of 10-10-10.
• Light: They do best in full sun but tolerate light shade.
• Pests: Squirrels and grasshoppers like the leaves and can occasionally be a problem.
• Soil: Well-drained, fertile. Tolerates most conditions except for wet soil. Once established, they are drought-tolerant.
• Spacing: Consider planting away from walkways and driveways because the abundant fruit can be messy.
• Water: Average watering needs. Drought tolerant.
• Zones: Perennial in zones 5-11


Plant Size
A baby plant, that is 3-8 inches tall, will arrive at your home in a 3-inch-deep pot. Then, raise your new baby to maturity under your caring, green thum