Ganbare Goemon 2 (SNES - Super Nintendo) English Translated

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After rescuing Princess Yuki and saving Edo, Goemon and Ebisumaru decided to take a vacation at the Ryūkyū Resort.  Unfortunately, the Holiday is about to end abruptly as a Mysterious figure watches them at a distance. Then Unknown figure confronts Goemon and Ebisumaru.  

Goemon and Ebisumaru  come to a screeching halt and look to see who this Guy is... it's Sasuke the Ninja! Sasuke says that he has grave news from the wise Old Man.  It seems the peace of Japan is about to be distrubed by the threat of invasion.  He then explains that the Evil Western Warlord Maggenesu has sailed to Japan with this hordes of Bunny-Men to Invade, Conquer and Westernize Japan!