Lord & Taylor's 1860's Classic "Every-Day Cook Book" 150th Anniversary Reprint

Vintage Lord & Taylor's Cookbook, 1976 Commemorative Reprint of 1860's Classic "Cyclopedia of Practical Recipes" (150th Anniversary Edition). Published in 1976 to celebrate L&T's 150th anniversary. Subtitled "Cylcopedia of Practical Recipes" this fascinating volume has 100's of extremely spare recipes that assume you already know how to cook; no measurements, minimal steps, no temperatures, no real help other than recommendations for companion dishes! But, even better are the many dozens of miscellaneous helpful hints for dealing with the everyday problems one would encounter in the 19th century such as how to clean red gloves, what to do about dog bites, how to clean feathers, cures for flatulent infants, how to restore from stroke of lighting, a quinine cure for drunkenness, how to be handsome, and so much more.....316 pages, 5" X 7" textured vellum, moleskin cover, excellent condition, appears unused. Lord & Taylor's has been an iconic, resilient, and deeply rooted American merchandiser for 200 years and is considered America’s first ever department store.  


Your Kitchen is the Center of the Universe

From the beginning we have always kept interesting vintage kitchenware on hand including cookbooks, knives, china, linens, slicers and dicers, pots and pans, coffee and tea pots, tableware, and all kinds of quirky and odd-ball tools to stuff in your gadget drawer!  

And, I'm never surprised when a customer tells me they are buying an old kitchen tool as a gift for a young whipper-snapper who thinks they know everything! So, have a cuppa and enjoy a little browsing in my Kitchen Corner.... 


We Will Scratch Your Vintage Itch
