"Our Lady of Perpetual Help"
Antique French Holy Card - Anonymous Artist
We've looked at many versions of Notre-Dame du Perpetual-Secours but this one caught our eye. One of the things we liked about it is the peaceful expression on Mary's face. She's helping her son because she loves him, and she loves us too, even though our sins are going to cause her son suffering and death. And we love the cheerful colors of this image. Our Mother seems very warm and inviting to us, as well as to her Son. She's always there to help. That's why they say her help is "perpetual." It never ends.
This early 20th Century French holy card litho is clearly modeled after the icon attributed to St. Luke in St. Mary Major Basilica, and the version from the 1400s in the Church of Alphonsus Ligouri in Rome. People say that the reason one of his shoes is falling off is that because he saw the instruments of the Passion and was running to his mother. She brought him comfort and help, the way she will bring you comfort and help if you ask.
** IMPORTANT ** THE IMAGE IS SMALLER THAN THE PAPER! There is a white border of about 0.5" inch for 5x7", 1.3" for 8.5x11", or 1.6" for 11x14" pictures. All Approx! Fine art printers do this because the images are almost never the same rectangular ratio of the standard paper sizes. It also gives the prints a finished look, and lets them look good in a frame without a matt.
- Acid-free paper
- Archival pigments, rated to last for generations.
- Cardboard backer
- Above story of the art
- Enclosed in a tight-fitting, crystal clear bag.
Thanks for your interest!
Sue & John
"In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art." ~ St. Pope John Paul II
Original image is out-of-copyright. Descriptive text and image alterations (hence the whole new image) © by Sue Kouma Johnson - CatholicArtAndJewelry.