Clare of Assisi Art Print

Sue Kouma Johnson painted the original of this print in acrylics on rag mat board, size 9 x 12 inches. Saint Clare was a friend of St. Francis of Assisi. Inspired by his holiness, she cut her hair, renounced worldly pursuits, fled an unwanted engagement, and founded an order of nuns, which has come to be known as the Poor Clares. Clare was devoted to the Eucharist, and is shown carrying a monstrance because she once warded away the soldiers of Frederick II at the gates of her convent by displaying the Blessed Sacrament and kneeling in prayer.She is the patron saint of television, because it is reported that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she was able to see and hear the Mass on the wall of her room. The Catholic cable network, EWTN, was founded by a Poor Clare nun, Mother Angelica. IMPORTANT: Each of the 3 sizes indicates outside dimensions. There is a border of white left around the image, approximately 1 1/2" to 2" all around.Signed by artist Archival QualityComes in a close-fitting crystal-clear plastic sleeve with a whiteboard backing.Archival Quality: All our prints are made using premium acid-free fine art paper in card thickness, and high quality Epson pigments (instead of dyes), rated by a third party to last 200+ years when not hung in direct sunlight. These prints are beautiful today and are time capsules of the faith for future generations. (C) Copyright Sue Kouma Johnson This image may not be reproduced in any form without the artist's express permission.
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