
Litter: the Human Beast marks his Territory by John Wyatt

Moving to Sheep Street by Crispin Gill 

The Pig that Made Good by Hartley M. Jenkinson

On Weighbridge Pier (verse) by Betty Parvin

A Trio of Blacksmiths by Frank Boughton

Let us Haste to Kelvin Grove by Bruce Campbell

Shore Ranging by F. Joy Mangan 

Rare Day (verse) by R. R. Zanker 

The Way I have come—2 by Frank Fraser Darling 

Berkshire landscape (verse) by H. B. Mallalieu 

All in the Eye by Elaine Bullard 

Pine Martens in Wester Ross by Sealgair

A Walk across Morecambe Bay by Ian Dewhirst 

How Vesuvius Gave Up Smoking by Benedict S. Alper

Mosquito (verse) by R. R. Zanker

Unseen Songsters by David R. Ragge

Shannon from the Air by Daphne Pochin Mould

Bathroom Bittern by Molly Burkett

The Old Toffee-maker by Marjorie Giles