36 inches tall
Pink/ lilac flowers
Full Sun

This is a strange and intriguing plant. The leaves... all lined up ....
are sensitive to touch. When touched, they fold up. Then they unfold
in a few minutes. The action is harmless to the plants. They also fold up at night.
The plant enjoys moist and warm conditions. Can be grown as a
houseplant or grown outside. Becomes less vigorous as it matures.
At that point, cut it back to 2" and it will grow new leaves.

IMPORTANT SOWING INFORMATION:  Rub seeds in sandpaper to scratch surface (scarification).
Then plant in Fall or early spring so it gets some cold moist (stratification).
If its too late to plant, you can also place in fridge for a week to break dormancy.
If instructions are not followed seeds may not grow at all.