Upgrade your bath time! This product includes 3 bags of organza filled with rose, calendula, Himalayan tea and Epsom salt.

Our bath tub teas come in large organza bag.

They are packed with even more uniquely-blended, high-quality, home grown and/or locally-sourced, organic herbs, flowers and mineral salts!

Each sachet is filled to the max & created with a specific combination of botanicals designed to:
*reduce stress and anxiety
*ease muscle pain, soreness and joint stiffness
*tighten and tone skin, plus detoxify skin by removing impurities
*reduced inflammation and irritation
*relax the mind and body

Package warehouse:
- Rose & Calendula
- Epsom bath salts
- Himalayan pink bath salts

T E A T I M E :
·Fill bath tub with hot, but comfortable-to-touch, water.
·Drop one tub tea bag in the water and allow to steep for the duration of your bath
·Get in, relax, and de-stress
*Squeeze tea bag to release all of the natural oils and nutrients to receive the full benefits of the salts & botanicals.

Salts dissolve in your bath water while the herbs & flowers remain inside the bag for easy clean-up.
