Suvorov Viktor. The trilogy Chronicle of the Great Decade in 3 books: 1. Against all. Crisis in the USSR and the struggle for power in the countrys leadership in the first postwar decade 2. Breakdown. Marshal Zhukovs last battle. 3. Kuzkins mother. Chronicle of the Great Decade In Russian /Suvorov Viktor. Trilogiya Khronika Velikogo desyatiletiya v 3-kh knigakh: 1. Protiv vsekh. Krizis v SSSR i borba za vlast v rukovodstve strany v pervoe poslevoennoe desyatiletie 2. Oblom. Poslednyaya bitva marshala Zhukova. 3. Kuzkina mat. Khronika velikogo desyatiletiya The Good Book 2011-2014. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbbb533f1b38239ca7