Milyutin I. Description of Moscow and its sights: cathedrals, monasteries, parish churches, imperial palaces, present places, state and public buildings, educational institutions, hospitals, wealth houses with addition of a brief history of Moscow. In Russian /Milyutin I. Opisanie Moskvy i ee dostoprimechatelnostey: Soborov, monastyrey, prikhodskikh tserkvey, imperatorskikh dvortsov, prisutstvennykh mest, kazennykh i publichnykh zdaniy, uchebnykh zavedeniy, bolnits, bogadelen s prisovokupleniem kratkoy istorii Moskvy. Tyre Room 5, Moscow Publishing House, V. Sekachev, 2012, 576s. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb4804395603f807ab