Merit is a body slimming tablet extracted from natural ingredients (herbs) without the addition of chemicals, does not cause side effects when consumed in the short term and long term. By consuming Merit tablets regularly, there is no need to worry about weight because Merit tablets are ready to help dissolve body fat. Besides Merit can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood (based on pre-clinical trials).
Guazumae Folium 150 mg
Rhei Radix 50 mg
Granati Fructus Cortex 150 mg
in the form of extracts and other ingredients up to 500 mg
-Used traditionally to help streamline the body
-Reducing body fat
-Smooth digestion
-Reducing the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood
Once a day @ 2-3 pills before going to bed at night
If needed, may add 3 pills taken in the morning
Not recommended for pregnant women or diarrhea sufferers
To get maximum results, a diet low in fat and calories is accompanied by regular exercise
5 sachets @ 21 pill Jamu Merit