Holiday Christmas Mug 14oz " Have a Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho ! Merry Bright" Coffee Tee Hot CoCo Cup Mug




Holiday Mugs 14 oz " Have a Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho ! Merry Bright " Coffee Tee Hot CoCo Cup NEW Hot Mug

Buyer will receive one Holiday Mug with the picture of Have a Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho! Merry Bright"

Made of ceramic dishwasher & microwave safe this makes a very special present for the Holidays. They come in a box with the to & from for easy giving requiring no wrapping paper. Just write directly on the box whom you're giving to and you're ready to go?

* Greenbrier International Inc

* Holiday Mugs 14 oz

* Have a Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho ! Merry Bright

* Ceramic

* Dishwasher safe

* Microwave safe

* Special Holiday Box included 

This Holiday Mug is really impressive buy one for your Christmas List for the person who is hard to buy for. They will really like it for their coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa. Just go to the cart pay using PayPal after payment clears your item will be shipped within 1 business day & arrive approximately 2-5 business days after shipment.

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