Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) - 200 Seeds

Other Common Names:
Stinking Nightshade, Black Henbane, Witches Herb

Cream to tan flowers featuring purple centers and veins.

Planting Instructions:

Plant Details:

200 Seeds

Other Information:
Henbane is known for its fragrant flowers and adaptability to poor soil conditions. It is also popular for use in dried flower arrangements, adding a unique aesthetic to any display. However, it is essential to note that all parts of this plant (leaves, fruit, flowers, roots, and seeds) are poisonous to humans and animals. Caution is advised when handling, and it should be kept away from children, pets, and livestock.

Shipping Restrictions:
These seeds cannot be shipped to the US states of New Mexico, Washington, California, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, and Utah.
These seeds cannot be shipped to Canada.