Blue Sausage Fruit (Decaisnea Fargesii) - 7 Seeds

Other Common Names: Blue Bean, Dead Man's Fingers, Blue Cucumber Shrub, Blue Bean Tree

Yellowish-green flowers in spring and vibrant blue fruit in fall

Planting Instructions:

Plant Details:

7 Seeds

Other Information:
The Blue Sausage Fruit tree, or shrub, is both a unique ornamental and a delicious addition to your garden. Its striking metallic-blue fruits, appearing in fall, grow to around 4 inches (10 cm) long and have a jelly-like pulp with a sweet, subtle watermelon-like flavor. The spring flowers transition beautifully to the unusual fruit, which brings a whimsical look—almost like something out of a fairy tale. The dried seed pods add an exotic touch to floral arrangements and potpourri, making this plant a garden standout in both looks and functionality.