Title: Pause for Living - Spring 1960
Publisher, Publication Date: thin book/booklet published by Coca Cola
Book Size: 5.5" x 8"
Pages: 20
Description: Vintage publication by Coca Cola with Mid-Century home ideas. Mid-Century cover photo features a Coca Cola next to a tablet setting with flowers in glass vases on a display the size of a cake plate -- pretty! Included in this little booklet:
Furbish for Spring (includes a fabulous three-part terrarium -- I included a photo of this)
Hen Party
Toast Tricks (table decor for April Fools' Day)
The Amiable Geraniums
Easter Brunch (table decor, not recipes)
Beads and Seeds (pictures made of these items)
Condition: Some wear edges/corners of cover. Little chip at top edge of front cover.
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