VEVOR 3-In-1 Sheet Metal Brake
Our sheet metal machine combines rolling,bending, and shearing functions into one compact unit. It allowsyou to adjust the roller position with a knob, extend up to 90degrees, and cut through various sheet materials.
Crafted with care to be your enduringworkhorse. This shear press brake is built with carefully selectedmaterials to deliver optimal performance. Industrial-gradematerials ensure durability and resistance to wear, ensuring a longlifespan.
The upper bending tool and lower diemodule are constructed from sturdy 0.2-inch/5 mm thick #45material. It comes with five different-sized blades: 1", 2 x 2",3", and 4", ensuring effortless bending of low-carbon steel andaluminum.
The roller of our sheet metal brake isequipped with precise curvature adjustment technology, allowing youto effortlessly create a wide array of cylindrical and taperedworkpieces and result in flawlessly smooth sheet metal.
Our 3-in-1 combination sheet metalmachine enables you to easily handle various sheet metal processingrequirements and supports sheet materials with 20 GA / 1 mm Max.Thicknesses, 12 in /305 mm Max. Width and also offers a 90-degreebending angle.