This listing is for a large lots of lamp catalogs - all in nice condition. Described below:
Aladdin Lamp Catalog - 4 page - from Aladdin for the 1990s - The Majestic Line of Lamps (has insert of parts and accessories with price list
Aladdin Lamp Catalog - 4 page - from Aladdin for the 1990s
American Lamp - Catalog No. 886 - Aladdin Lamps
B&P Lamp Supply, Inc. Catalog (193 pages) - Wholesaler & Manufacturer's 43rd Lamp and Lamp Parts Catalog
B&P Lamp Supply, Inc. Catalog (168 pages) - Wholesaler & Manufacturer's 40th Anniversary Catalog
The following are in a B&P Lamp Supply Inc. 3-ring notebook
B&P Lamp Supply Inc. - Wholesale Price List for Catalog No. 43 - effective October 1996
B&P Lamp Supply Inc. - Wholesale Price List for Catalog 40th Anniversary Catalog - effective August 1994
B&P Lamp Supply Inc. - Price List and Winter Supplement Wholesale for Catalog No. 37 - effective November 1992
B&P Lamp Supply Inc. - Price List Wholesale for Catalog No. 37 - effective December 1990
B&P Lamp Supply Inc. - Price List Wholesale for Catalog No. 33 - effective October 1987
B&P Lamp Supply, Inc. Catalog (119 pages) Wholesaler & Manufacturer's Catalog #37
B&P Lamp Supply, Inc. Catalog (119 pages) Wholesaler & Manufacturer's Catalog #33 (2)