This book is designed to train inspectors to safely and
efficiently inspect industrial pretreatment facilities. The purpose of
this book is to train operators to become pretreatment facility
inspectors and to improve the knowledge and skills of current
inspectors. The book stresses duties and responsibilities, including
ethical responsibilities, of pretreatment inspectors. Topics covered
include development and application of regulations, sources of
industrial wastewater, source control processes and procedures,
monitoring wastewater flows, and collecting and transporting
representative samples. Operators will also learn how to respond to
emergencies, limit the impact of an incident, and take enforcement
action. Administrative topics include public relations; planning and
funding an industrial waste pretreatment program; developing a database
management program; and implementing an industrial waste monitoring
program. Detailed procedures are provided to help operators prepare for
inspections. Also included are lists of pertinent questions that should
be answered when inspecting various types of industries.
Paperback book in good condition.