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The Reappearance of the Christ is a book by Alice Bailey, published in 1948, as part of her extensive series of esoteric writings. Bailey’s works are rooted in Theosophy and explore spiritual evolution, the interconnectedness of humanity, and the role of higher spiritual beings in guiding humanity’s progress.

Key Themes in The Reappearance of the Christ:

1. Christ as a Universal Figure:

• Bailey does not limit the concept of “Christ” to Christianity. Instead, she presents Christ as a universal spiritual figure or “World Teacher” who embodies the love and wisdom needed to guide humanity.

• The term “Christ” refers to the role of a spiritual leader that transcends religious boundaries, applicable to all faiths and cultures.

2. Second Coming:

• The book discusses the anticipated return of Christ or a similar spiritual teacher to the Earth. This event is seen as symbolic of humanity’s collective spiritual awakening rather than a literal, singular event.

• Bailey emphasizes that this reappearance will be influenced by humanity’s readiness and alignment with spiritual principles like love, unity, and service.

3. Role of Humanity:

• Humanity plays a key role in preparing for the reappearance. This preparation involves fostering goodwill, recognizing the unity of all people, and working toward the common good.

• Meditation, prayer, and service to others are highlighted as ways individuals can contribute to this global awakening.

4. The Hierarchy of Masters:

• Bailey introduces the concept of a spiritual hierarchy, consisting of advanced spiritual beings or “Masters of the Wisdom,” who guide humanity’s evolution.

• Christ is described as the head of this hierarchy, working to inspire and uplift humanity through divine wisdom.

5. Global Changes:

• The book connects the reappearance of Christ to transformative global changes, including the development of a more inclusive world religion, the rise of spiritual values, and the resolution of crises through shared understanding and cooperation.

Influences and Legacy:

• Bailey’s work reflects Theosophical teachings and builds on ideas from Helena Blavatsky.

• The Reappearance of the Christ is part of Bailey’s larger series on esotericism, known as the “Blue Books,” which she wrote with the guidance of a spiritual entity she referred to as “The Tibetan” (Djwhal Khul).

• The book has been influential in New Age spirituality and has inspired various movements promoting unity and spiritual growth.

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