Raindrip R166C Adjustable Misters and Barbed Risers
This adjustable misters and 4-inch high density polyethylene risers with 0.25 inch barbed adaptors. Adjustable from fine to heavy mist up to 3 feet diameter. Flow rate is 4 to 7 GPH and 25 PSI.
The Mister is adjustable from a fine mist up to 3 feet diameter
Flow Rate: 4-7 GPH at 25Psi
Adjustable Mister and 4-inch high density polyethylene risers with 1/4-inch barbed adaptors make it easy to attach to 1/4-inch drip Tubing
Up to 3-foot spray range
Built to last
Adjustable misters and barbed risers
Flow rate 4 to 7 GPH, 25 PSI
Measures 4-inch risers
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