This is powdered Uraninite primary Uranium ore with some UV reactive Autunite for decor or science use. This is a safer way to handle radioactivity because the material is sealed and won't shed. Use it for a geiger test source or even a cloud chamber experiment. The radioactivity is contained within the glass like epoxy resin pyramid. Uranium glass lovers just let us know and we can make them with extra glow for you. Prices go up 10 dollar increments by size. The Uraninite ore is mined from Green River, Utah and the Autunite comes from Daybreak Mine In Spokane, Washington. Please feel free to contact with any questions, comments, or suggestions I am here to help and thank you for looking at our products. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: This is ore with some UV reactive Autunite for decor or science use. This is a safer way to handle and teach about activity because the material is sealed and won't shed. Use it for a geiger test source or even a cloud chamber experiment. The ore is contained within the glass like epoxy resin pyramid. Uranium glass lovers just let us know and we can make them with extra glow for you. Prices go up by size. The U ore is mined from Green River, Utah and the Autunite comes from Daybreak Mine In Spokane, Washington. Please feel free to contact with any questions, comments, or suggestions I am here to help and thank you for looking at our products.