(For a remote binding or double/triple cast options you may purchase here: )

Incubi enhanced spells are by far the most potent & sexually charged of any spell in existence. One of my absolute favorite spirits to work with are the incubi, because not only are they powerful alluring beings, but they can also be highly intelligent & sensitive as well. They worked very hard with me to perfect this specific spell & it is highly charged with a mixture of their potent sexual energy & my own psychic energy.


This is an ancient spell passed down from my ancestors with the unique ability to entice anyone you choose between the sheets. The person will be overcome with lust and obsess over being with you, potentially to the point of being unable to think about anything or anyone else. Although everyone will have a different reaction to every spell you should start to see the full effects of this one within days to weeks of purchase. The pendant will bind to its new owner at first touch & begin to work immediately.


Upon purchase, I will supply a set of instructions to the new owner about activating this specific spelled object. Also provide me your name, & DOB for the binding. It is not a necessity, however. The object will work with or without a binding.


By purchasing this listing, you are certifying that you understand how to properly handle enchanted/haunted objects & that you will not misuse or mistreat this pendent in any way. You also acknowledge that if this object is not properly used or understood that it may not work for you, and that you also understand that I do not accept returns of any spelled/haunted items in my shop. I work very hard on all of my spells/bindings & deserve to have the proper respect shown by my patrons. Thank you for trusting me with your magick experience.

NOTE: Due to the laws I must state that everything metaphysical sold in my shop is for entertainment purposes only.