Make the catch with Trout Magnet Jig Heads. These size 8 hooks are great for catching trout, bass and pan fish. The unique 1/64oz shad dart head and split tail allows the lure to fall horizontally rather than vertically. Their entire food source flows down the stream with the current. This is why most jigs do not work for trout. The Trout Magnet, on the other hand, flows naturally with the stream. With constant twitches of the rod tip, the lure looks life-like as it flows downstream.
Contains (5) 1/64 oz. size 8 hooks
• UNIQUE SHAD DART HEAD SHAPE: Creates unique action with any jig body.
• SMALL BARB ON BACK OF HOOK: Holds plastic bodies on hook.
• BALANCED HOOK AND LURE: Designed to be used with and balance the Trout Magnet body.
Designed to be used for balancing the Trout Magnet body, each jig hook has a small barb on the back of the hook to hold plastic bodies. The extra long size 8 hook has an extra strong wire for large fish so you don’t have to worry about that big one getting away.