This 7 Pocket Bandolier Repack Kit includes :

7 pocket bandolier

7 cardboards/3-Clip(Used Once)..

21 stripper clips(Used Once)..

1 spoon/charger(New)..

1 safety pin(New)..

We’ll be purchasing New 3-Clips, we just ran out with a lot of orders. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you..

These Bandoliers are New(Unissued), and Originally would come with Loaded Stripper Clips(3) inside a Sealed Cardboard Box. These Cardboard’s you will receive have been used once by our Military. The Stripper Clips you will receive were also used once by Our Military..

These are New Unissued Bandolier’s and the guy I bought them from said they were from The Vietnam Era..

We also have 4 Pocket Bandoliers Repack Kits that we will be listing..

These Cardboard’s hold 3 loaded Stripper Clips, 10 Rnds per. These are great for storage/display or taking them to the Range. These also make great gear for Paintball too!

You have your choice of New 2-Clip, or New/Used 3-Clip Cardboards

The Charger/Spoon/Loader have been painted with a Grey Primer to increase its Longevity and durability. Each Kit receives One(1).

You also receive a #2 Black Safety Pin to attach this to whatever you’re wearing, or for storage.




Thanks for Looking,

The Bensons
