Delve into the dark fantasy realm with Umbral Issue #1, a gripping tale crafted by the collaborative genius of Antony Johnston, Christopher Mitten, and John Rauck. Published in 2014, this comic book sets the stage for an epic narrative where the forces of good battle the vile Umbral and his cadre of death-themed characters, including King Petor, Queen Innaline, and the enigmatic Rascal.

This inaugural issue, presented in English and rooted in the Modern Age of comics, is a must-have for fans and collectors alike. With its rich storyline and the artistic prowess of Mitten and Rauck, Umbral promises to be a standout addition to any comic collection. Whether you're a devotee of fantasy genres or a connoisseur of intricate storytelling, this comic is a portal to a world of adventure and mystique.