You are purchasing a book titled: The Many Faces of Mary, a love story, written by Bob and Penny Lord. 

One of the ways our Lady has shown her love for us has been through her visits to our planet, in the form of Apparitions.  Read how every one of other apparitions was for a specific purpose, not for an individual, but for a nation, and sometimes the world.

The excitement builds as the drama unfolds. She saved America from annihilation at Guadalupe. Listen to the powerful warning of Fatima, to the little shepherds, and the way the world has reacted to it.  Discover how she prepared us so gently, and lovingly, for World War II by her apparitions in Beauraing and Banneux.  Learn how Jesus, through Mary, has changed the course of world history.  Journey in Faith with us to Lourdes, shrine of hope, of faith, of love and of healing. Track Mother Mary's Apparitions from the 16th century. Read how every one of her Apparitions was for a specific purpose. 

 Readers comments: "You need a box of tissues when you read it." 

"I couldn't put it down. I finished it in a day, then began again."
"As a convert, I never knew Mary. I've met her in a special way. I'll never let her go."
"You make Mother Mary touchable, someone I can turn to."

Track Mother Mary's Approved Apparitions from the 16th through the 20th century. 
Read how every one of her Apparitions was for a specific purpose.
Mary’s back, and She’s stronger than ever
Read Bob’s chapter - Mary, my first love
Guadalupe, 1531 - Mary saves America from annihilation.
Paris, 1830 - Mary gives us the Miraculous Medal.
La Salette, 1846 - Our Lady never ceased weeping.
Lourdes, 1858 - Affirms dogma of Immaculate Conception.
Pontmain, 1871 - Mary appears and ends war in Europe.
Knock, 1879 - Her message more crucial now than ever.
Fatima, 1917 - Mary prophesies World Wars.
Beauraing, 1932 - Mary prepares us for WWII.
Banneux, 1933 - She said "Whole nations will be annihilated."
And so much more.

242 Pages

 We also have 30 minute documentary dvds on all the apparitions mentioned above, listed on separate listings.

Please visit our other listing to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord and all of our other religious items.

If you have any questions please let us know.

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God bless you.