Canada Stamp No. 1735 - Aesculapian Staff and medical cross (1998) 45 cents
Bright phosphor MNH
Full Pane of 16 with Inscription
We rely on them deeply - to care for our youngsters, our parents, our friends, ourselves. Physicians, nurses, ambulance medics, physiotherapists, dentists and other health care professionals - they ease our pain, treat our aliments and help us stay healthy. This June 25, Canada Post pays tribute to these valued Canadians with a single domestic-rate commemorative stamp.
Canada's health professionals are represented by numerous professional associations that act as advocates for health professionals and work to ensure the highest-quality standards of health care for our country. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is a national voluntary organization that advances the standards of postgraduate medical education and practice in the medical, laboratory and surgical specialities. Founded in 1867, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is the voice of organized medicine in Canada. It provides leadership for physician and promotes the highest standard of health and health care for Canadians. The Canadian Nurses Association speaks for more than 110,000 members on national and international nursing and health care issues. The Canadian Dental Association is the authoritative national voice, resource, and focus of unity for dentistry in Canada, dedicated to the promotion and provision of optimal oral health care for Canadians. Health Canada is the federal government department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health through the creation of health policy, the enforcement of health regulations, the promotion of disease prevention, and the provision of health care to the First Nations and Inuit communities.
The stamp features the Aesculapian staff, the recognized symbol of the CMA and other health organizations, which features a single serpent on a staff. In the stamp design, this staff is set against a medical cross. Aesculapius, the roman god of medicine, corresponds to the Greek Aesculapius. The serpent symbolizes wisdom, learning and fertility, and represents longevity and restoration of health.