- THE WAXBGONE DIFFERENCE - This earwax removal kit includes 3 SoftSpray irrigation tips, designed by an ENT Doctor to keep eardrums safe. These tips gently spray 7 shower-like streams of water into the ear canal and their unique, flared design prevents over-insertion.
- DISSOLVE HARD EARWAX - With the foaming action of the proven WaxBgone earwax softening drops. These non-irritating drops are professionally formulated and Made in the USA with the highest quality ingredients to safely soften and loosen excess earwax.
- CLEAR AND CLEANSE YOUR EARS - The large, soft rubber bulb conveniently removes earwax drainage following application of our ear cleaning drops. This 2 oz ear syringe delivers faster cleaning sessions with a greater capacity than those included in other kits.
- AVOID EXPENSIVE DOCTOR'S VISITS by removing earwax buildup at home with this simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-use kit. Produced by a family-owned American company to deliver a safe and effective ear cleaning solution for adults and kids.
- EASY APPLICATION - Tilt head sideways and place 5-10 drops into the ear. Allow drops to soak for 10-15 minutes by keeping head tilted or placing cotton in ear. Once broken down, gently rinse out your ear with warm water using the bulb syringe and drain.