Delve into the heart of the jungle with "The Jungle Book" from the beloved Disney franchise, presented in a charming hardcover format. This Little Golden Book edition, published by Random House Children's Books in 2003, invites readers on an adventure alongside familiar characters like Baloo and Mowgli. Authored and illustrated by Rh Disney, the book spans 24 pages and is perfect for young fans eager to explore stories of friendship and bravery.
Measuring 8 inches in length, 6.6 inches in width, and a thickness of 0.2 inches, this book is a snug fit for little hands to hold. With its weight of just 4 ounces, it's an ideal travel companion for reading aloud during family outings. Dive into the action and adventure that await in this classic tale, where the magic of Disney's "The Jungle Book" comes alive in juvenile fiction glory.