Punkin Butt Teething Oil is considered a topically applied product. The doses of essential oils in a single application is minuscule and therefore considered extremely safe by the Harmful Ingredients Screening Test results which showed no skin irritation with daily exposure applied for 8 hours every day for 30 days. Parent have trusted us for over 14 years with our proven perfect safety record.
Tired of teething remedies for babies that don't work? Our blend of natural oils is formulated to soothe your little one's discomfort as soon as it is applied to the gum. Discover for yourself why essential oils for teething babies are an effective teething ointment. The Punkin Butt teething relief liquid doesn't contain any chemicals, allergy-prone ingredients, or artificial ingredients, making it the perfect choice for your baby. Plus, it's easy and straightforward to use. Simply put some on your finger and massage into your infant's swollen or irritated gums for instant relief.
Look forward to less crankiness and more restful nights as your baby's mood will improve and they get some undisturbed, peaceful sleep. Ditto for mom and dad!
● Teething tincture to alleviate discomfort and irritation
● 1 oz. amber glass bottle
● Chamomile, Sunflower, Peppermint, & Clove Blend
● 100% Natural Ingredients
● Free of any Chemicals, Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Dyes, Parabens, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, or Preservatives
PUNKIN BUTT is committed to the quality of our products.
Punkin Butt Teething Oil has been on the market for 14 years without a single child being injured. The oils used in the manufacture of the teething oil have been tested to be pure and free of any harmful chemicals or residues that may contaminate the product. In developing the recipe, the inherent dangers associated with essential oils were taken into careful consideration and the following aspects were addressed.
With peppermint oil, safety limits allow for doses that are 200% higher than what has been formulated in our product. Rather than follow the suggested safety limits, we hired our own researchers and found that with a much lower dosage, we could get the effect desired while reducing all risks associated with direct, undiluted exposure to peppermint including any respiratory irritation, skin irritation, or any possible discomfort.
Clove oil is considered dangerous when consumed in large amounts as it can negatively impact the liver, and cause seizures and fluid imbalances. When applied topically, clove can burn the skin and cause severe irritation if not properly diluted. Due to these factors, we also reduced the allowed limit by 247% to ensure the safety of children in contact with the teething oil. One requirement in formulating our product was that it had to have safe levels even if a child accidentally drinks an entire bottle. This has happened on numerous occasions and all follow-up and testing of participating families showed that there was no harm initially or long-term to any of the children that drank some or all of their teething oil.
Chamomile is a very gentle herb and is known to be safe for all ages. It is in the daisy family and considered a low-risk allergen. There are some people who will react negatively to chamomile if they have allergies to ragweed due to cross-reactivity. In this instance, we suggest the discontinuation of the teething oil due to the heavy infusion of chamomile flowers in the oil.
Punkin Butt Teething Oil is considered a topically applied product. The doses of essential oils in a single application is minuscule and therefore considered extremely safe by the Harmful Ingredients Screening Test results which showed no skin irritation with daily exposure applied for 8 hours every day for 30 days.
Punkin Butt is not an advocate for consuming essential oils as we feel they are not meant to be ingested and should someone desire to consume them, we recommend working with a certified expert in aromathery in order to ingest them properly and in the correct doses to avoid serious injury or long-term negative health effects.
Natural mom and baby care
Features & details
Soothe Your Little One's Irritated or Swollen Gums - Alleviate the discomfort caused by teething and swollen gums with Punkin Butt's teething oil - instant infant teething relief done the natural way.
Formulated with 100% Natural Ingredients - Our teething relief features a blend of botanical essential oils known for their soothing qualities, such as chamomile, sunflower, peppermint, and clove.
Quick And Easy To Use - No need to measure liquid or gel as your baby screams. This teething oil can be used by simply dripping some on your fingertip and massaging the gums
No Strict Doses Or Limits- Unlike teething medicine, our natural teething drops contain no chemicals or allergy prone ingredients and can be applied liberally whenever your baby needs its gums massaged
Award-Winning Teething Baby Relief By a Brand You Can Trust - Your baby's well-being is a top priority - that's why we’re proud to have earned the 2020 Baby Maternity Product of the Year and the 2019 Creative Child People’s Choice Award.
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