This item can be inspected or picked up at the place and times listed below.

Please read the shipping message at the end of this listing.

This listing is for a

Dell Exos 7E2 1TB 7.2K 3.5" SATA Hard Drive SEAGATE ST1000NM0008 in a Dell 58CWC Tray

These are used drives with very low Power On Hours.

Crystal Disk Info reports 0 Power on Hours at shipping time it may be up to one hour.

Also the power on count of 2 may be higher.

Serial Number: ZFA0V5E9

Firmware: EA04

The lot includes

One ST1000NM0008 SEAGATE Exos 7E2 1000GB 7.2K 128MB SATA III 3.5'' Hard Drive

One Dell PowerEdge 3.5" SAS SATA HDD Hard Drive Tray Caddy # 58CWC 058CWC


You can inspect this item or the buyer can pick it up Saturdays and Sundays 11: AM to 4:00 PM at the used computer booth at Englishtown Auction Sales in Englishtown, NJ

its booth 69 in the blue building. 

Use the ask the seller a question feature if you want to inspect the item.

For directions to Englishtown Auction click on the directions link on the Englishtown Auction web page.

The buyer can Pick up this item Saturdays and Sundays 11: AM to 4: PM after the listing ends.

Make sure I know you are coming so I can make sure it is there not in storage.

Please note long shipping lead time 5 days on this item is because the item is stored at the location listed above that I usually only go to on weekends. The item should be shipped the following Monday or Tuesday after payment is received.

If the item is purchased  or paid for on a Sunday after I leave the shop or on a Monday or Tuesday, I might not be able to pick it until the following weekend.

It will be shipped as soon as possible.