Incognito by Roddy McGhie & David Forrest

Roddy has been quietly carving out a name for himself for the last few years as a creator of awesome, off-beat routines and crazy-clever gimmicks - 'Incognito' is a perfect example of why there's so much buzz!

On this DVD you will learn THREE killer effects - PHILOGRAPHY, WALTZER and CARD SHARK - all using Roddy's ingenious 'Incognito' gimmick (enclosed). Imagine beign able to:

-Cause a spectators signature to visually jump from one card to another in "PHILOGRAPHY"!

-Merge two signed selections into one bizzare, double-faced monster in "WALTZER"!(PDF artwork included)

-Have half a spectators signed selection appear in the belly of a rubber fish in "CARD SHARK"!

Running Time Approximately: 32 min

Incognito by Roddy McGhie \u0026 David Forrest

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