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Sorbsan Packing Cavity Dressings

Sorbsan's properties make it ideal for managing cavity wounds; the fibres absorb exudate and form a gel which fully contours the wound. The gel can be irrigated away from the wound with normal saline 0.9% for pain free removal 1,2. Sorbsan Packing dressings come with a plastic probe to help assess the wound before dressing.

When to use Sorbsan Silver Ribbon:

Sorbsan Packing is suitable for the management of larger, wet cavity wounds where there is a moderate to high level of exudate. If the wound is not producing high enough exudate levels to gel the Sorbsan dressing's fibres, it may be appropriate to change to a different dressing type. Sorbsan Ribbon and Packing are suitable for the management of abscesses and sinus' resulting from:

- Pilonidal sinus
- Pressure ulcers
- Post-operative wounds
- Fungating lesions

Sorbsan Ribbon and Packing are also suitable for the management of bleeding cavity wounds:

- Following toe-nail avulsions
- Pressure ulcers
- Donor and graft sites
- Traumatic wounds


- 30 years of clinical efficacy
- Dispersible natural fibres
- Quick and easy to use
- Pain free, irrigate away removal
- Dressing choices for a wide variety of wounds
- Probe with cavity packs to help assess the wound
- Antimicrobial solutions