Tatarian honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) is a plant with the following characteristics.
Oval, smooth, blue-green, and opposite on the stem. The leaves are 1.5–2.5 inches long.
Tatarian honeysuckle is a multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub, growing to 10 feet tall. It can be easily confused with similar species like Bell’s, Morrow’s or Amur honeysuckles, all distinguished by slight differences in flower color and leaf pubescence. See the Minnesota Department of Transportation guide for comparisons of various honeysuckle.
Leaves are opposite, oval, smooth, 1.5- 2.5 inches long, and blue-green. Leaves may be hairless or downy. Leaf-out is slightly earlier in spring than native species and leaf-drop is slightly later in the fall.
Flowers are tubular, paired, borne along the stem at leaf axils, and usually pink to red, rarely white. Bloom time is May to June.
Fruits are paired, spherical, red to orange berries, each containing several seeds.
The root system is shallow and fibrous.
Mature stems are hollow. Bark is light gray, and shaggy or peeling. Young stems are slightly hairy and light brown. Np shipping AK, HI