The corkscrew willow, also known as the curly willow, is a fast-growing but short-lived tree known for its kinked foliage that drops to expose bare, twisted, and contorted twigs, bringing winter interest to the landscape. A corkscrew willow thrives in temperate and cooler regions but does poorly in hot, humid climates.
Leaves are simple, alternate, deciduous, narrow, lance- shaped, with tapered bases, rounded base, finely toothed margin, blade yellow-green on both sides, with a few small hairs on the lower surface; petiole slender. Flowers of black willow: male and female catkins on separate trees. A willow is a tree with long, flexible branches and very small leaves. If you're looking for a picnic spot, the wide, green canopy of a willow provides great shade on a hot summer day.