THIS WORK IS PROOF THAT ANIMALS ARE NOT THE 'DUMB CREATURES' MANY PEOPLE MAKE THEM OUT TO BE! This book is NOT a work of fiction, but was transmitted to the author via mental telepathy from his pet cat -- yes! you read that correctly. "You've gone off your head Feef," said the Lama. "Who will believe YOU wrote a book?" He smiled down at me adn rubbed under my chin in just the way I liked best before he left the room on some business. I sat and pondered. "Why should I NOT write a book? I thought. True, that I am a Cat, but not an ordinary cat. Oh dear! No! I am a Siamese Cat who has traveled far and seen much. "Seen?" Well of course. I am quite blind now, and have to rely on the Lama to tell me of the present scene, but I have my memories! Of course, I am old, very old indeed, and not a little infirm, but is that not good reason why I should put on paper the events of my life, while I am able? Here, then, is my version of Living with the Lama, and the happiest days of my life; days of sunshine after a lifetime of shadows.

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