The Chronicles of Narnia C.S. Lewis 6 Book Collection Paperback Collier Books Cardboard Sleeve

Titles Include (Note that book 2 is missing from set) 
1. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Book 1 (marking on inside cover) 26th Printing 1978
2. The Voyager of the "Dawn Trader" Book 3 (tape on seam - corner bent - name on inside first page) 22nd printing 1978
3. The Silver Chair Book 4 (name on inside first page - slightly separated at seam) 22nd printing 1978
4. The Horse and His Boy Book 5 (name on inside first page) 20th printing 1978
5. The Magician's Nephew Book 6  (name on inside first page) 23rd printing 1978
6. The Last Battle Book 7 (name on inside first page) 21st printing 1978