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  • Not photographed, but this comes with the original operator's manual (though cut on one of the pages), the original warranty, the warranty service clinic listings (nostalgic), the original schematics, and the original sales receipt from Lafayette Radio Electronics Orange, California dated 1977.

  • Cosmetically, the tape deck appears near new.  No rusting, wear areas or fading of the print.  Mechanically it powers on, fast forward and reverse work perfectly and all of the control knobs move freely.  Of course, it may need to be cleaned.  It's been carefully stored since the 1970's so most likely will need servicing.  Any questions as to condition, write and I'll try to answer specifics. 


*Note:  I have no way of testing this with a reel tape to determine if the running speed is accurate. 

  • Payment method as stated.

  • Shipping/Handling as statedI will only ship this item within the lower United States.
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