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[Vintage News-week magazine, with all the news, features, photographs and vintage ADS! -- See FULL contents below!]
November 1, 1965; Vol. LXVI, No. 18
Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. ] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
COVER: THE DEMONSTATORS: Who? Why? How Many? Protest march in New York.
THE DEMONSTRATORS: Just as the American military effort seemed to be gaining in Vietnam, a scattered home-front minority stepped up a noisy crusade to end the war. The movement had a new cadre of shock troops: the angry young men who have decided that they do not want to fight for their country-- at least not against the Viet Cong. A few burned their draft cards; dozens more pledge to follow suit; an embryonic anti-draft movement insists it has not yet begun to fight. Who are these young activists? What are their motives? To what extent do they reflect deep U.S. unease over an ugly undeclared war? To find out, Newsweek's Pat Reilly probed the ideas of the dissenters in New York, while correspondents from coast to coast sought out the draftniks--and the Vietniks--to get their story. From their reports, Associate Editor Edward Kosner, who first examined the stirrings on the peace-conscious New Left in Newsweek last May, fashioned this week's cover story--"The Demonstrators: Who? Why? How Many?"
Elsewhere around the globe, from Saigon to Broadway, Newsweek staffers covered fast-breaking news--and hunted the extra dimensions of depth that lie behind the day-to-day headlines:
The DO-EVERYTHING 89TH CONGRESS, reports Newsweek's veteran Capitol Hill correspondent Samuel Shaffer (page 21), "forged a legislative program that will affect almost every area of America's economic, social and political life." Standing back from the adjournment rush, Shaffer looks at the 89th's remarkable record--and the legislative prospect for 1966.
Just as the row over FRANCIS X. MORRISSEY's nomination for Federal judge bubbled to a head in the Senate, a privately printed book of tributes to Morrissey's key patron, Joseph P. Kennedy, gave insight into the old debts and intense loyalties the fight invoked. Among the tributes: Morrissey's own effusions of an "admiration . . . [that] knows no bounds." Page 24.
In a recent hour's chat with a foreign diplomat, CHARLES DE GAULLE took a wide-ranging tour d'horizon--a hair.down look at French relations with the U.S., the Soviet Union, and, perhaps most strikingly, Germany. Diplomatic correspondent Edward Weintal reports on the conversation--and records, in the process, a rare candid glimpse of Le Grand Charles talking off the cuff. Page 44.
Riding the FREEDOM SHUTTLE between CUBA and the U.S., Atlanta correspondent Marshall Frady voyaged into a Kafkaesque world of adventurist evacuation-boat skippers, Castro militia toughs--and ref- ugees crowding forward for space on the sardine-packed vessels headed for the land of the free. Frady's report, page 54.
For weeks, Associate Editor Mel Gussow and Assistant Editor Karen Gundersen followed "ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FOREVER" from Boston to Broadway--and zeroed in on its leading lady [BARBARA HARRIS]. The show, Alan Jay Lerner's first in five years, proved a letdown to critics--but a skyrocket to stardom for shy, button-eyed BARBARA HARRIS. Gussow's report, page 84.
LW and the fabulous 89th.
The case of Francis X. Morrissey--and a Kennedy-edited book on Joe Kennedy.
The demonstrators and the anti-draft movement--who's behind it? (the cover).
Klansmen before the committee: 'I decline to answer ---.
New York City elections--a close race with national implications.
Stalemate in the field.
On-scene with the daredevil 'river rats'.
Rhodesia: the final hours. Momentous.
meeting of the two Prime Ministers.
De Gaulle tells where he really stands.
THE AMERICAS: Boat ride to freedom on a US-based Cuban refugee runner.
Rendezvous in the blue--Gemini 6;
Nobel honors to four synthesizers;
A dazzling "dirty snowball".
Chicago seeks a record $360 million.
What keeps man's ticker ticking?.
Paul J. Tillich, philosopher and theologian;
Backstage in the Roman Curia.
Little Olympics tests Mexico City, the altitude and the athletes.
"Hogan's Heroes--fun with the Nazis.
Hallmark's Hall--a sponsor who cares.
Profits up, margins down.
Wall Street: bears who walk like bulls.
The earth movers; the big ones in heavy.
construction (Spotlight on Business).
The Public Interest, a new quarterly, that
should trigger new debates.
Roy Thomson, tycoon of Fleet Street.
LIFE AND LEISURE: Rudeness reigns in public manners.
Emmet John Hughes--The Dance of the GOP.
Kenneth Crawford--Ruckus on Campus.
Henry C. Wallich--Low-Pressure Economy.
Raymond Moley--The Morrissey Case.
THEATER: On a clear day you can see .. - mostly Barbara Harris.
ART: Color wheel comes full circle.
MUSIC: Moscow Philharmonic--greatest traveling
show on earth.
MOVIES: For Bogey fans: a Bogart book boom
Dylan Thomas: beery Byron of his day.
"The nice fat boychick"--Allan Sherman.
Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description © Edward D. Peyton, MORE MAGAZINES. Any un-authorized use is strictly prohibited. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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