Bands Lipo Gastric XL 90 CAPSULES The vitamisan lipo 90 capsule s This product is for reduce the appetite but you must follow a diet a diet plan and have work out every day. This is NOT a miracle pills, are naturals and you have to follow a plan diet under medical supervision. The miracle pills does not exist. is a perfect natural supplement to support weight loss and increase your metabolism.* DONT USE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO SOME OF THE INGREDIENTS OR YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE BECAUSE IT MAY GIVE YOU TACHYCARDIA!! THE PRODUCT HAVE CAFFEINE!! CHOLINE IS an antioxidant that increases insulin sensitivity by accelerating the breakdown of fat in the liver.* YOU WILL SEE THE CHANGE AFTER 30 DAYS OF USE! BEFORE YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY CHANGE! THE PRODUCT IS A TREATMENT IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC OF THE INGREDIENTS , PLEASE DONT USE THE PRODUCT!! The otheingredients, BETAINE and Soya Lecithin, help with dispersing the vitamin into your system more efficiently and regulation proper thyroid glandular functions.* One bottle provides a one month supply