PLUVIOPHILE T-SHIRT: Tired of those bland, boring T-shirts? You can show your love for rain in style with this cute Pluviophile t-shirt. Comes in many sizes for Men & Women. 100% ring-spun cotton Sport Grey is 90% ring-spun cotton, 10% polyester Dark Heather is 65% polyester, 35% cotton 4.5 oz/yd² (153 g/m²) Pre-shrunk Shoulder-to-shoulder taping Quarter-turned to avoid crease down the center Blank product sourced from Bangladesh, Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, or Nicaragua Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: PLUVIOPHILE T-SHIRT: Tired of those bland, boring T-shirts? You can show your love for rain in style with this cute Pluviophile t-shirt. Comes in many sizes for Men & Women. 100% ring-spun cotton Sport Grey is 90% ring-spun cotton, 10% polyester Dark Heather is 65% polyester, 35% cotton 4.5 oz/yd² (153 g/m²) Pre-shrunk Shoulder-to-shoulder taping Quarter-turned to avoid crease down the center Blank product sourced from Bangladesh, Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, or Nicaragua