Crinum asiaticum, which also goes by spider lily, grand crinum lily, and giant crinum lily, is a beautiful plant whose striking features have stood out to humans for many years. Being native to tropical Asia, this plant was brought to North America and became popular in the tropical areas in the United States. In fact, it has even escaped civilization and is growing wild in states such as Louisiana, Florida, and California. Crinum asiaticum can grow quite tall, so tall that in Hawaii that the crinum plants can develop into small tree-like umbrellas! They can reach up to 8 feet tall, the beautiful flowers and foliage becoming very large and thick. This plant’s significant foliage and flowers are gorgeous, and the smell can be carried into one’s nose from a few feet away. These plants are used in all different kinds of landscapes and add a pop of color and greenery.
Crinum asiaticum is in the Amaryllidaceae family, which contains 73 genera and more than 1,600 species, most of which are in tropical areas of the world. Crinum asiaticum is native to Tropical Asia, although it has been introduced successfully in other parts of the world, such as the United States (especially East Texas!) This plant is a perennial and a bulb. The spider lily has evergreen leaves, which help keep the landscape looking full and beautiful even when this plant is not in bloom. This plant is also drought-tolerant and prefers sandy soil since it prefers drier soils. This plant can spread 4 to 6 feet, and usually grows 4 to 6 feet in height (excluding special cases, such as Hawaii).