Built Like a Tank, Moves Like a SportsCar
Our folding hand truck transforms from a2-wheel hand truck to a 4-wheel platform truck in seconds. With arock-solid weight capacity of up to 1,000 pounds, it makes heavylifting a breeze.
Our hand truck dolly features solid PUwheels and universal wheels to promise smooth rides and steadystops. They're perfect for all terrains, from uneven grounds tograssy knolls and concrete paths.
When you're done, just fold thisconvertible hand truck up and stash it in your trunk. Thisspace-saver is there when you need it, whether you're groceryshopping or moving mountains.
Tilt it, lay it flat, or stand itupright-how do you like your hand cart today? Ergonomicallydesigned for comfort and utility, it even features a slip-resistanthandle. Now you can choose your own moving adventure!
Our heavy duty hand truck's ergonomichandle lets you push or pull with ease. Space-saving,wheel-popping, and built with a frame that slides effortlessly overstairs-you're in for a smoothly efficient moving experience.