I have been getting an extraordinary amount of requests from people asking me if Madam Elizabeth Crawley would give them a Blessing, or cast a certain spell for them. She does readings on (Professor Richmond) my father's paranormal collection, and often gifts the winners of our auctions with items she has cast with spells and blessings. People have written to me absolutely thrilled with these items!
For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among desiccant circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything, and has helped me out on numerous occasions. We have decided due to the great demand that we will begin auctioning items that she has either performed an ancient blessing upon, or cast with special spells from the Van Doreen Book of Spells.
I have personally been privileged enough to witness her casting a spell--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely inspiring. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formation. The Boxes and roses she has cast with spells for our customers have received the most wonderful and sincere praise.
Madam Elizabeth lives in England, so the pieces she sends me will be mostly jewelry. Some will be new, and some will be older. All will be charged with superior quality Magick Spells to help you along your way. For safety she only uses Pure White Magick which also has a knack for blending with your own body vibrations, and making you feel simply wonderful all over. Madam Crowley does not want to charge a lot for these pieces, as she wishes to share her Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most.
Good Luck and Many Blessings!
Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active
WOW!!! Stunning Shell and Blue Topaz Pendant. Set in sterling silver. Approx2" Long.
This is one very powerful ring. It gets noticeably HOT in my hand. That indicates it's overflowing with usable Magick! And there's something else about this Vessel too!!!
If you've ever wondered about the power of Fairy Magick, wonder no more! This Vessel has been cast by a clan of Scottish Fae with a most potent Success Spell. The fairies love to help good people, and it looks like they've chosen you! If you're reading these words now, don't wait. Destiny is calling and the Fae Success Spell is about to change your life! You are about to enjoy a blessed life where Magick and "reality" intertwine. Where money problems vanish and success is Second Nature. Don't doubt it, it's about to happen. FOR YOU!
If you are even the slightest bit interested in developing your own personal POWERS, YOU MUST have THIS SPELL.

I've been trying hard to update Madam Crawley's spells with some of the exuberant accounts and exciting emails we have received. I am so touched by all of them, and if I don't post yours, it's not because it's any less exciting or important. I'm doing it randomly and letting the spirits guide me. Here's an account from Sara who started off knowing NOTHING about Magick ,and is now, only 3 months later an accomplished spell caster!!!
"Hello Anna, I hope you and the Great Madam are fearing well. Thank you thank you thank you for all you have done. I have now mastered meditation and can easily meditate for hours at a time. After I come out of it my mind is clear as a bell and my spell casting works instantly. I could never meditate before this spell now I can't imagine why??? It's all so different now. Last week I cast my first money spell. I cast it on an old necklace my sister in law gave me. I used a spell that I wrote myself (something I would have laughed at before I got my ESP training tool from you) I cast the spell and it so hard to describe but it was like I just knew it was working. I could just tell that all the energy was there in my fingertips. After I cast the money spell I went out and bought a lotto ticket. Guess what???? I won. Yes I know it's unbelievable but I won $3,000.00. I was gobsmacked as my ma use to say. So then I tried casting a spell for Genie Control and it worked to. I could go on and on and I know I still have a lot to learn so I'm not getting too big headed but i am really overwhelmed and thrilled. Please tell me if there are any more spells like this one cause there's nothing better than being so powerful. I need to settle down and really go to work and do some good things. Thank you blessed Anna. I'll be in touch soon. Sara"
You will truly be able to control your destiny, see the greater picture in all things, and have powers beyond your imagination. Yes... it IS POSSIBLE!
WOW, I HAVE BEEN HOPING and HOPING MADAM CRAWLEY WOULD CREATE THIS SPELL. It is so perfect for those of you out there who are wishing to become witches yourselves, or who are trying to develop your own powers. This is much more than just enhancing ESP abilities. It's hard to explain, but you will find yourself being "initiated" into the world of Magick!
This Vessel offered here today is a training tool for apprentice witches, and individuals who wish to expand their own Mystical Powers and Spell Casting Abilities.
One of the most heavily pursued areas of development was ESP. Here is a short definition of what this Vessel will develop in its new owner.
· Perception of events in other places (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, precognition, retrocognition, second sight)
· Perception of aspects of others not perceivable by most people (aura reading)
· The ability to sense communications from, and communicate with, people far away (telepathy), beyond the grave (medium-hood and seancing, spirit walking), or in other dimensions (astral projection)
These abilities are truly the basis of all Magick, intuition, good decision making, and success in life. Some people have these talents quite naturally, think people like Bill Gates, Madonna, etc. Not always the most admirable people, but certainly successful. They have natural perception abilities. But it doesn’t matter if you weren’t born with it. This Vessel will soon make you seem as though you were. You will see yourself Shoot to the head of the class!!!!
Madam Crawley also cast this vessel with very potent "LEARNING" SPELLS. Not only will this vessel kick your ESP Development into HIGH GEAR, it enhances FAST LEARNING, AND MEMORY. This is a fantastic Spell. Please only bid if you have a serious desire to become enlightened and to further your knowledge and success through the means of Magick and Spiritual Awakening.
You will be able to tell what someone is really thinking .You will have visions of things to happen in the future. You may be contacted by vibrational souls such as spirit guides, angels, and higher beings. You will find yourself on a different far more advantageous level than ordinary folk. The warning here is that you do not abuse your greater understanding, and while it is acceptable to do well for yourself, you should never do so at the expense of others.

Good Luck and Blessings
Madam Crawley.