TAKARA TOMY LEGO Minifigures Series 7 Computer Programmer Other computer whizzes can argue all they like about what kind of computer or operating system is the best one the Computer Programmer knows that the only way to be a real expert is to master all of them. He knows everything there is to know about computers and how to use them, from the biggest old-time mainframes to the tiniest next-generation nanotech prototypes, and hes always glad to share his expertise with anyone who needs his help which is just about everyone eventually! He can debug a server in ten seconds flat, track down and wipe out even the toughest viruses, recover data from completely melted hard drives, and yes, he will help you set up your e-mail signature. In his spare time, he programs his own video games, catches up on the latest posts in his favorite web forums, and hangs out with his pet robo-cat. When youre a skilled Computer Programmer, the future is always today!