Healing Flow Reiki

Healing Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and the flow of healing energies.
It helps to keep the positive flow of healing energies coming to you
continuously for as long as you need them. To manifest healing and good
health you must be in the flow of and in harmony with Good Health and
healing. While this also requires you to take certain actions on the physical
plain, in order to manifest healing and good health, the positive healing
energies that flow to you from Spirit, the Creative Source, God or/and
Goddess help speed recovery and maintain good health. Healing Flow
Reiki draws in the positive energies of healing to work toward healing
body, mind, and spirit.

The energies of Healing Flow Reiki allows you to send healing energies to
yourself, your pets, and others, including plants and Mother Earth.
Anything that needs healing, and that means anything—including bank
accounts, mortgages, relationships, your home, your car, -- anything that
needs to be healed—even emotional issues, can receive the healing
energies of Healing Flow Reiki. When you send healing using these
energies, they will continue to work for 24 hours constantly. If you would
like it to last longer, you can state the length of time the energies need to
continue healing, or state that it healing is to continue as long as needed.
Love Flow Reiki
Love Flow Reiki connects you to the energies of pure, honest, sincere love
in its essence and to spirit. In order to manifest love, you must be in
harmony with the energies of unconditional love, pure love. This includes
love of yourself and others, as well as any relationship. Love Flow Reiki
raises your vibration so that you are in harmony with pure love. It also
helps you in working with any relationship.

To manifest love it is important to care enough about yourself to not allow
anyone to treat you badly. If you allow yourself to be treated badly by
others, you are not in harmony with pure love. This is not to say that on
occasions someone may say or do something that hurts your feelings, but
is directed more at repetitive actions that disrespect you and cause you

When you are in the flow of Love, when you are in vibration with love, the
negative emotions and negative hurtful treatment of yourself by you or
others, cannot continue. When you vibrate at this high level of pure love, it
dissolves those negative energies that hurt you. Therefore, if the
relationship is toxic, or does not allow you to be treated well, you may
begin to notice that as your energies ascend to a higher vibration, these
negative people and relationship that do not serve you, may begin to fall
away with love. When your vibration changes to a higher level, your
energies change, you change, and your actions often change. If you are
changing and the other person is not, if they are continuing the same
thinking, actions, and etc. they cannot stay in harmony with you and the
higher vibrations of pure love. In other words, their negative energies
cannot stay in the flow of love. They will either begin to change and raise
their vibrations also, or they may begin to drift or fall away with love. They
just won’t want to be around you if your vibration is high and theirs is
Protection Flow Reiki

Protection Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and to the energies of
protection. It helps by keeping the flow of protection running through you
and around you. The energies of feeling and being safe, protected, and in
harmony with a healthy safe environment flow to you quickly and easily.
You can stay in the flow of protection physically, emotionally, and
spiritually by connecting to the energies of Protection. Protection Flow
Reiki helps you to be safe from psychic attacks, negative energies and
entities, and helps also with making you aware of danger so that you can
avoid it or lessen its effects.

When you allow worry, stress, doubts and fears to linger in your
energy fields they choke off and close up the cord that connects you to the
Great Spirit that is all that is. And without this connection, there is more
struggle, worry, and stress in your life. It is important to stay protected
from negative energies in order to keep your personal energies clear and
pure. Where there is a personal threat to your well being, your guides will always step in to help you. Your guardian angels will be there with you. But
using protection flow reiki energies will help you to avoid drawing harmful
people and things into your life. Your energies will vibrate at a higher
frequency and will draw to you protection, safety, security, and protectors
(animals, people, and angels, etc.) that are for your highest good.

You see, when your energies vibrate at a slower and lower frequency, it
attracts more of the same. It attracts people who are negative, who are not
always keeping your best interests at heart. When you worry and
unconsciously see all kinds of negative situations and things happening to
you—your energies draw those things to you.

It is so important to keep your thoughts positive, and to keep your energies
protected as well as body, mind, and spirit free from negativity and in
harmony with love and light. Shield yourself from the negative energies of
others around you that you love or care about. Avoid being around people
who may cause you harm and stay alert. You can use the energies of
Protection Flow Reiki to help you draw only positive people, places, and
things into your life for the highest good.

You can also use Protection Flow Reiki to keep you shielded from negative
energies of other people. Protection Flow Reiki will keep you in the flow of
pure positive energies that help you to stay clear of negative people,
places, and things.

Prosperity Flow Reiki
Prosperity Flow Reiki harmonizes your energies to the frequency of prosperity. This system connects you to the higher energies of manifesting prosperity. When you are in harmony with prosperity, you draw prosperity to you. You vibrate with the energies of prosperity. When you are in alignment with prosperity, the energies of lack, limitation and poverty consciousness cannot stay in the energy fields of prosperity. Those negative energies cannot exist in the same light and energies of prosperity.
The energies of prosperity are always ready and accessible to use any time we need them. The problem we usually have is that we often get sidetracked, knocked off course or caught up in worry. These things distract us from creating more money in our lives. When something happens that disrupts our flow of prosperity energies and our connection to the flow, we begin to feel negative emotions -- fear, worry and even panic. When these feelings are present (and they are powerful emotions), we are not in the flow of prosperity. Prosperity will now flow to us when we worry, stress over money or feel afraid that we won't have enough.
You could think of the energies of prosperity flowing through a cord that connects you to prosperity. When the prosperity flow cord is clear and open, you are in harmony with prosperity and the energies are of a high vibration that is very positive. Money will come easily to you and in abundance. When you worry or are filled with doubts and fear about money issues, this prosperity flow cord closes up and money cannot flow in easily, if at all. The more you worry, the tighter the prosperity flow cord closes.
Prosperity Flow is the divine energies of manifestation that connects you quickly to the Universal Source to helps you to draw positive energies of prosperity and money to you. All that you ever need already exists in the etheric world.In order to manifest prosperity in your life, you must connect to the etheric energies of money and prosperity through Spirit and draw it do you. It exists in the ethers and you must manifest it into the physical realm.
The Prosperity Flow Reiki brings these positive energies of prosperity to you through the prosperity flow cord and the energies flow through you to raise your vibration to be in harmony with and of the same frequency of prosperity. This does not mean that you can do nothing at all and just have money drop into your lap. You will have to take action. For example, if you want a job, you must put in applications for the job, but when your energies are in alignment with prosperity, this will happen easier and your abilities to draw more money to you will increase. Money will flow to you with ease when you are in harmony with prosperity.
Success Flow Reiki

Success Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and also draw in the positive
energies of success. Staying in the Flow is sometimes difficult without
focus and a helpful connection to recharge the energies of Success when
you need it quickly. In order to manifest success you must be in harmony
with and your energies may need to be raised and adjusted to a higher
vibration of success. Success Flow Reiki helps you to manifest success by
aligning you with the higher energies of success and keeping you in the
flow of positive success energies.

With purchase, 5 attunement sent via angelic sphere of light (very similar to chi-balls and called in the same way) or chi ball (your choice ~~ default is angelic sphere unless otherwise stated); 5 manuals and 1 certificate for each (total 5 certificates).
Manuals and certificate sent via email.