Magical Nature Reiki

Magical Nature Reiki has been developed to help us gain an deep connection to Mother Earth, her Nature Kingdoms and Nature Beings

The system help with:

Spiritual Growth
Healing and Clearing
Raise Your Vibration
Connecting to Mother Earth
Connecting to your nature spirit guide
Develop Clairvoyance to see the nagure beings
Clear away negative thought programming
Connect to past lives that hold knowledge of Nature
Raise your consciousness
Help to ground your spiritual energies

Magical Nature Reiki allows the energy of Mother Nature to flood into your being. You may experience an immense love for Mother Earth and her kingdoms, understanding that you are integrated with their energies; your soul is number one with Mother Earth and your body is the flesh of Mother Earth. This is an aspect of mastery and ascension. The system will assist in making a deeper connection with the nature world whether you exist surrounded in concrete or submerged in Mother Nature's glorious manifestation. You have the power to realize the energy of Mother Earth within you and to anchor it deep within your being.

Magical Nature Reiki is a special energy that accumulates many of Mother Earth's energy vibrations and realms together so that they can channel and flow through your being either as a healing and cleansing process or an awakening energy, advancing you receptivity to the nature energies around you.

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day!

With purchase, 1 distance attunement sent via chi ball; 1 manual and 1 certificate