Ring: 925 Sterling silver with 10 glistening gemstones.   Please let me know what size you need.


I am proud to present to you a most RARE and sacred offering! The SPELLED RING OF 10 POWERFUL ILMU KHODAM!!!! 


What is an Ilmu Khodam? The Word Ilmu means Knowledge. These entities are extremely knowlegeable and will use this wisdom to benifit you in every aspect of your life. The Word Khodam means Servant. This is not your normal Servant, an Ilmu Khodam can access every division of the Universe to serve their Guardian. They are much more than a servant to their Guardians. As your bond grows with the Khodam, you will experience LOVE AND LIGHT on a much higher level than you ever thought possible.

Ilmu Khodams rank between a Genie and an Angel, therefore they are the MOST POWERFUL WISH GRANTING ENTITIES AVAILABLE. Angels, though higher ranking are primarily for guidance,protection and spiritual enlightenment. Genies and Khodams provide protection as well as granting UNLIMITED WISHES.

Khodams are said to be charismatic, have powerful presences, with strong personalities and revealing identities. They are also highly intelligent and communicative. They have a soothing nature and their words are filled with wisdom. Many people find that Khodams are the easiest entities to connect and bond with. Wish manifestation is very swift and precise.

What do Khodams look Like? Each one is an individual with different appearances, mannerisms and effects. They are shimmering, beautiful creatures that normally appear in flowing, glistening robes. There are male and female Khodams and each have a unique name. This name will be given only to the Guardian of the Khodam.

All Khodams have general Characteristics such as:

Providing Protection. Granting Unlimited wishes. Providing Guidance. Offering Wisdom.

In addition to these general Characteristics, each Khodam has a set of unique POWERS. These powers will be determined by the Guardian (I don't like the word Master because the Khodam is more like a friend) when they have connected with the Khodam.

In addition to the Ilmu Khodam, this ring was also imbued with some of the
MOST POWERFUL SPELLS in existence today! They will benefit you in every way.

This ring was spelled with a mild sedative energy that promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also brings emotional stability and inner strength.

Also included is a powerful spell for protection. Which will keep you and your home and family safe. It guards against theft and malice. It also will protect you against evil spirits, hexes and dark curses.

A spell to help open your third eye. This is the MOST POWERFUL spell in existence for this task.

A spell to help increase your psychic abilities. This spell will bring your intuitiveness to an advanced level.

A spell for wisdom. This will help you to automatically know when someone is not being truthful or when you are not making the right decisions.

A spell for vast prosperity and wealth. You will be drawn to situations that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

A spell for health. This spell will guard you against illnesses and disease. It will also heal current conditions.

A spell for lasting relationships. This spell helps you to draw the right people in your life and to maintain these healthy relationships.

An Aura Cleansing spell. It will cleanse your aura every time you touch the ring. 
Complete instructions including the names of your 10 Ilmu Khodam will be emailed to you.